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Monday, February 17, 2014

Solving One-Step Equations

Rules for Solving 1-Step Equations:

Step 1:  Identify the variable.

          Variable-  the letter in the problem, it’s what you are solving for
à     it can be any letter, NOT JUST X OR Y
       For example: 

                   1.  7y  =  49                     à                “Y”  IS THE VARIABLE

                   2.  f - 14 =  24                 à                “f”  IS THE VARIABLE

          You try:  Identify the variable

                   1.  3x  =  36                     à                ___________________

                   2.  n + 11  =  27                à                ___________________

                   3.  25t  =  100                 à                ___________________

Step 2:  Find out what operation that the problem is.
             (x,  ÷,  +, or -)
        For example:

          8n =  16                 à                This is multiplication (x)
       z + 10 =  15            à                This is addition (+)
Step 3:  Do the OPPOSITE operation to BOTH sides of the = sign             to solve the problem.  This gets the variable by itself!
Remember that you have to get the variable by itself to find the answer!!  *

Directions:  Solve each 1-Step Equation by finding the variable.
1.      4j =  12
Step 1:  Identify the variable.                  à      ___________________
Step 2:  What operation is it.                   à      ___________________
Step 3:  Do the OPPOSITE operation.       à      ___________________
              (to both sides)
Step 4:  Write the answer                        à      ___________________
              (j =  __ )
2.     56 – k =  43
Step 1:  Identify the variable.                  à      ___________________
Step 2:  What operation is it.                   à      ___________________
Step 3:  Do the OPPOSITE operation.       à      ___________________
              (to both sides)
Step 4:  Write the answer                        à      ___________________
              (k =  __ )

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